Here’s our weekly dose of spiritual poetry from Rach. I hope you are enjoying the dance and play of her lines and stanzas as much as I am.
In the Still
Truth is known.
My heart swells open!
Ego evicted, lies broken
in pieces, jagged edges on the floor.
Huge hurt heals! Oh how these pieces ran me so ragged from myself, from the truth before!
Ripped me so sneakily from the Still
The Still needing no effort, no will.
Simply is.
No fuss, no fizz.
Always here
hollow and whole
holding all!
My perfect prettiness, my useless laziness,
my not good enough, my craziness
All made up! Ideas, ideals.
Simply not real!
For I am not now what I was then
and will never be that or this again
as all is a dance,
each new step unfolding, unannounced.
Heaven’s on earth in the Still.
Always was and always will
be just a dropping in,
a letting go away, right here within.
Never gone.
Just gets lost
in the many thoughts
and all that with them is brought.
We are not these
that bear such disease!
In this knowing is released an ease
that can stop them growing
and we see this was just something believed!
They may still be there,
But they’re not the truth!
Truth is the absolute!
The stillness in which we realize our Being
This is our true root!
All of us rooted in this One
Where we, in this form, begun
and shall dissolve into when we’re done.
It's beautiful 🙂
Thanks for your comment, Ingrun. I know Rach appreciates them. 🙂
How beautiful. Especially to put into words something that language seems too limiting for, and in such an accessible and pleasurable way. 🙂
Thanks for sharing, Tara. I love all the support that you and others are showing for Rach's poetry.