This gorgeous poem comes from my student, Jackie. It is, as always, a privilege to share these lovely words with you.
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The Indescribable Eternal
Could you swing from branch to branch
with your heart unfurling like a diamond
refracting all angles of love
in perfect balance?
The strength, the gentleness, the silence,
the words that are perfect medicine
from the understanding which is forever opening
in your heart.
Inside, your love cradles the truth
of which every word spoken knows exactly where to go.
You could do no wrong when you move inside your own rhythms,
which are in tune with the melody of the entire Universe.
You look in the mirror; you see me,
or you see yourself.
There is no separation.
We are not merged in union,
but instead are One
expressing in all our uniqueness and glory.
You dance the steps that allow me to surrender more.
Then I pull you back and dip you deeper into your self
so you can taste the beauty of your own love
and know yourself through me.
I give you back to you.
There is nothing else I could do,
but lead you to your greatness,
to the royalty I know is yours.
Inside deep is the divine
the sacred waters of your salvation
where truth baptizes you
and releases you further into your own freedom.
Here your heart overflows with sweet tranquility
with calm love that joyfully radiates
in the silence of your knowing.
Do not speak to me
when you know that I know
what is already spoken
what is already here
Just touch the timeless within, my dear
and live there, eternally.
Do not leave, do not forfeit your freedom for anything you can hold.
Stay with the quiet river that flows through you
the one that brings you Home.
Dwell in that abode as you move through all testaments of your life,
and you will find that it is ever-revealing itself to you,
giving itself to you
as you give yourself to it.
In that place, where the giving is met,
you will see there is no difference
between the giving and the given.
Both spring from your own abundance
which is the abundance of all things.
Life bears Life.
The infinite fruits of this ring
spiral out of your heart in invisible rays
of the indescribable eternal.
The moon picture accompanying this post is a gift from Becky Stiller. You can see more of her lovely work on her Flickr account.