I love the part of how we must choose the “Romance” again and again in this poem. I hope that this spiritual poem by my student, Jackie, offers you yet more courage and inspiration to choose the depths and profundity of the spiritual path. The picture is also hers.
For more of her poems and other poetry, you can click this link:
Love’s Wings
Slowly I unfold,
safely within each moment.
I am told
to open more, to go deeper.
I trust the voice within.
Yet, I cannot deny
the Muse which was once moving inside,
which enlivened with endless delight.
Waterfalls flowed so easily,
poetry and beauty danced so effortlessly
along the golden pages of inspiration.
Now, I labor for this Love
Now, I consciously seek out
that which once found Me.
A game of Hide and Seek
I chase after Love
then it for Me.
We balance together.
We merge into One.
Exalted, then humbled
we fall apart,
crashing to our knees
with eyes of devotion
and yearning again.
It’s all part of the Dance,
the game of Life.
Now I see I must choose Romance,
again and again
or the Mystery leaves.
Remember, its a labor of Love Now
an act I must intend to keep,
for She lives invisible in Me
and I in Her, unseen.
So I go inside Her quiet Heart
to find my own,
for Love’s Heart unlocks the Dream
to send me flying through Reality,
with eyes that soar to heights
through Vision’s eternal wings!