Here’s the latest poem from my student, Jackie. If you’d like to check out more of her poems as well as all the spiritual poetry on this blog, you can click on this link:

Spiritual Poetry

Enjoy Jackie’s latest creation. I know I did.

Meeting Sun

I saw a growing light yesterday, as I crossed over the desert.
She arose and brought warmth.
For this, I thanked Her.

She then moved in closer
and said,
“This warmth that I am, you are too.
This light that I shine, you also do.
From your vision, I see it All,
but from mine, I see you do too….

Truths you may think are ungraspable
I tell you, my dear,
they are ascertainable
for You.

Do not try too hard
Do not look too closely
or squeeze the thing you are trying to understand.
Do nothing.
Just observe and watch the thing unfold in your hands.

All things can be known
and seen from within.
Just do nothing, again I say.
Feel it, and experience how the truth of its nature will grow inside.
Then do you see,
when you and it become One,
when your essences meet.

Like a diamond which shines upon turning its edges,
the Truth you apprehend
will be known from all angles.
None then can fool you
for you’ve walked its roads before,
shared the stories its told,
and you know the destination of its path
before it even takes hold.

This is how the aged know without looking
and touch without reaching.
The wisdom of the heart goes before.
It feels your reality before you even give it name.
Before you even recognize you have been walking,
it sees where you are heading and knows your obstacles
before you even say there is somewhere you will be going.

The heart knows.
Because it feels.
And where it feels, it cannot be fooled….


I'm a spiritual teacher who helps people find freedom from suffering.

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