I wrote a blog post about different spiritual awakening stages and cycles, but I soon decided to follow it up by holding a webinar on this topic. If you haven’t read the blog post already, you can do so on the link below:
One of the things I like to emphasize is that awakening is not linear. So the idea that you go from spiritual awakening stage 1 to spiritual awakening stage 2 to spiritual awakening stage 3 is generally speaking incorrect, although there are some shifts from which you generally do not go backwards. In speaking about spiritual awakening stages, we should not be harboring the idea that we’ll get to some perfected stage. Such an idea is the nonsense of the unconscious ego that generally sees spirituality as a kind of safety. But no such safety exists except in the divine space that embraces everything, every change, every life, every pain, and every death.
With all that said, please enjoy the recording of this webinar, and keep an eye out for my next free webinar. They are every two weeks on Wednesdays alternating between 10:30 AM PT and 6 PM PT.