I often refer to the space of presence as the space where we are “nobody.” But what does this mean to be nobody? How do we make decisions from that space? Isn’t it necessary to be some kind of somebody?
Because we live in a culture that idolizes being a somebody, the concept that being a nobody could be okay much less a blissful experience seems absurd. Yet, as we grow on the spiritual path, we realize that being a somebody is too inflexible to be realistic. We get forced into choices and reactions that may be blind to some or many realities of life. That somebody becomes a problem to living in integrity, and as we realize that, we really and truly turn towards the spiritual path to let go of this ego self.
As a nobody, we maintain a space of openness to see what is really before us and to respond to life to the best of our abilities. In this way, we learn how to organically and naturally respond to the present moment rather than trying to control it and fit it into an idea of how we think life should go.
The more we let go into this space of being nobody, the more we see how problematic maintaining an identity really is. As such, we keep letting go deeper and deeper.
I hope to help everyone see how beautiful this space of being a nobody really is and how normal, natural, and available it is to everyone.
Enjoy the recording of talk below!
Recording of The Bliss of Being Nobody
Date of Talk:
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
10:30 AM to 11:30 AM Pacific Time
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Additional Reading
For more on this topic, you can check out this blog post: