What is ego?
What is truth?
How do you tell them apart when they come up in your mind?
I get these types of questions all the time. And honestly, it’s actually very easy to distinguish the two when we really want to. It comes back to our sincerity in knowing ourselves because more often than not, we don’t want to hear how much ego nonsense we believe in nor do we want to see the reality we live in.
Along with that, there are very clear aspects of the ego’s absurdities that people can learn to perceive, and I’ll talk about them in this upcoming class.
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Truth Versus Ego Class Description
As someone journeys on the spiritual path, they realize how much their ego controls what they do and say. These leads many people into moments where they feel confused, disempowered, and lost.
What does a person do when everything seems to be ego?
Unfortunately, that very question tends to come from a deeper level of ego with more basic interests and motivations (social approval, self-worth issues, scarcity fears, etc.). This typically becomes a time when people do what I call “re-papering the prison cell walls.” After tearing down a few of the illusions they once had, people are confronted by much deeper attachments–the prison cell walls. Instead of breaking them down, it is much easier to come up with a new set of spiritual beliefs to cover up the “walls.”
Thus a spiritual ego is typically born with a whole new set of ideas. Although when you look beneath it, this new ego isn’t fundamentally different from the first because they’re both built on the same fundamental beliefs and issues.
How to Become Vigilant for the Ego
A big piece in avoiding creating a spiritual ego is about how to become vigilant for the ego. And again, it starts with sincerity.
If we really want to see it, we will.
But more often than not, there are tons of attachments and beliefs inside that we don’t want to see and take ownership of. There are tons of assumptions we have that we don’t want to investigate. Here’s one:
“Of course I’m healthy.”
That statement says that the person isn’t willing to look at their health or health choices. It effectively blocks all inquiry.
If I as a spiritual teacher begin to question it, the ego likes to block me, saying,
“How is this spiritual?”
“I don’t have time for this.”
“Why don’t you believe I’m healthy?”
People are very good at denying and avoiding things, and on the path to spiritual freedom, nothing is avoided. Everything is embraced.
Why You Should Come to this Class
First and foremost, you should come to any and all my classes because you want support in realizing spiritual freedom. In addition, you should come to this class if you:
- want help figuring out ego versus truth,
- want support in understanding what sincerity on this path really is,
- really want to look deeper inside yourself at all your beliefs,
- are ready to stop making excuses,
- are willing to see parts of yourself and your ego that you have not seen or have not wanted to see, and other reasons.
For some more info on this topic, you can check out these resources:
Figuring Out What Is Ego and What Is Truth (video)
Specifics of the Truth Versus Ego Class
Here are the specifics of how the class works.
- Have two classes–one at 10:30 AM Pacific Time and another at 5:30 PM Pacific Time
- Have a class of around 10 people
- Meet online via Google Meet (this online video service is free)
- Meet for 1 hour and 1/2
- Most of the class will be a lecture style
- There will be around 1/2 hr for people’s questions
The suggested donation is 50 USD for those who can afford it. For everyone else, it is whatever fits your budget.
Please don’t donate until after we spoken together and you’ve gone through the enrollment process. Signing up for my newsletter is NOT the enrollment process. That comes later.
If you have questions about this class, I’m happy to answer them.
Once again, if you’re interested and aren’t on my free newsletter, you can sign up below. I’ll send out an announcement when I’m enrolling people in the Truth Versus Ego class.
In love and kindness,
Jim Tolles