Hey all! I’m currently off work, but I scheduled this post ahead of time for all of you in case you are looking for a little inspiration. As usual, I have my thoughts on the coming year, and I have some suggestions for your New Year’s resolutions. Additionally, I have a post for those of you who feel like you finally, truly understand what this path is and the deeper level of commitment that comes after such a realization. Finally, the last post is a heavily revised post from 2015 on how to get started on the spiritual path. Or, for some of you, how to get re-started.

Enjoy and feel free to share the links!

Spiritual Awakening 2022

8 Spiritual New Year’s Resolutions for 2022

When the Spiritual Path REALLY Hits You

How to Start Your Spiritual Journey

I hope you are enjoying your winter/summer (depending on which part of the globe you live in)!


I'm a spiritual teacher who helps people find freedom from suffering.

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