Sex can be beautiful, enlivening, and fun.
And somehow in modern Western Society that isn’t okay.
Touch is deeply connecting, rejuvenating, and grounding.
Somehow touch is mostly off-limits as well.
When was the last time you got a hug? I mean a REAL hug.
Not a chest thump, clavicle bump, ass-out hug. I mean one where you stepped out and felt truly held by another.
When was the last time you got a hug outside your family? Your immediate circle of friends?
The answers for a lot of people tend to be sobering as it may have been months, years, or not since childhood that a person has had significant healthy touch.
Touch is so natural and affirming to human beings, and I’m sure there are countless studies that talk about the positive impacts of regular, consensual touch. But we rarely do it.
The spiritual path in Western Society often forgoes sex and touch entirely with a couple of niche groups that are exceptions. In some of those subgroups, these things may be over-emphasized or mishandled.
In short, people feel disconnected and lonely when sex and touch, in particular, are not regularly part of their lives, and many spiritual traditions and religions have absolutely FAILED to help people understand how to consciously handle these two things.
So I’ll talk about them.
If you are interested in this class, feel free to sign up for my newsletter below as that is where I’ll announce it:
Sex, Touch, and the Spiritual Path Class Description
It is okay to enjoy sex.
It is okay to enjoy and feel supported by consensual touch.
Let me repeat.
It is okay to enjoy sex.
It is okay to enjoy touch.
Unfortunately some major religions have shamed sex. One of the biggest points of the path to realizing spiritual freedom is that everything is accepted. Sex is part of life. Sexual intercourse between a man and woman create life, and sexual explorations of all kinds between people of different gender identities and sexual interests are natural. The most important parts are that they are consensual and kind.
While sex isn’t part of most people’s daily lives or interests, it’s often disturbing how little touch is given and received. Touch should be a daily part of people’s lives. I say this for the simple fact of how emotionally and psychologically beneficial it is for communal animals like us to receive regular, consensual touch.
How does sex and touch relate to the spiritual path?
Once again: the spiritual path embraces everything!
How could they not be a part of it?
On the other side of the issue is when sex and touch are distorted. We’re not trying to orgasm of our way to enlightenment–to the present moment. Some traditions are actually trying to do such a thing.
If you’ve had big spiritual experiences with orgasms, that’s nice. That’s just a passing experience. If you’ve felt deep connection with a partner or partners in sex, that’s wonderful. But that too is a passing experience.
If we want to bring sex and touch deeper into a spiritual practice, then we use them to find different attachments inside ourselves. We use those discoveries to help us to let go of the attachments. As we let go of our attachments to sex and touch, whole worlds of possible open up.
Unattached sex and touch are powerful.
Finally, unattached sex and touch are not neglectful of their power or repressive. Being unattached means that we don’t need a specific outcome to arise.
There’s a lot to unpack here, but hopefully, my above thoughts give you a flavor of where the Sex, Touch, and the Spiritual Path class may go.
Why You Want to Come to this Class
As with all my classes, you want to come because you’re on the path to realizing spiritual freedom.
Additionally, you want to come to:
- Better understand how sex and the spiritual path go together,
- Better understand how touch is embraced on this path,
- Unlearn unhealthy beliefs around sex and touch which could be neglectful, over-indulgent, or repressive,
- Recognize the power of both sex and touch,
- Learn about how to consciously be with sex and touch,
- Learn more about what it means to be unattached to sex and touch, and more.
Specifics of the Online Class
Here are some of the specifics of how the class would work.
- Meet on a Monday at 10:30 AM Pacific Time or 5:30 PM Pacific Time (sometimes Tuesday evenings as well)
- Have a class of around 10 people
- Meet online via Google Hangouts (this online video chat service is free)
- Meet for 1 hour and 1/2
- Most of the class will be a lecture style
- There will be around 1/2 hr for people’s questions
The suggested donation is 50 USD for those who can afford it. For everyone else, it is whatever fits your budget. Please don’t donate until after we spoken together and you’ve gone through the enrollment process. Signing up for my newsletter is NOT the enrollment process. That comes later.
If you have questions about this class, I’m happy to answer them.
Once again, if you’re interested and aren’t on my free newsletter, you can sign up below. I’ll send out a specific newsletter when I’m ready to enroll people in the class.
In love and kindness,
Jim Tolles
Did the email on this go out yet? I signed up for the email list but may have missed it.
Yes. The classes are happening this week.