How are your boundaries at work?

Better yet, do you know how to accept your limitations and let people know what you can and can’t do?

In the modern age, we are asking ourselves to do more and more, and this is leading to a whole lot of burn out.

The Culture of Burnout

That’s not healthy or wise.

We have to learn to surrender to the limitations that we have.

Accepting Real Limitations

We are human beings.

Limitations are part of life.

This is different than our illusions about our limitations. We often believe that we can’t do things that we totally can do.

Your ego is wrong about you not being good at math, not being able to start your own business, not being able to connect with that person you’re attracted to, and so many other things.

We work on those false beliefs to open our potential. This gives us moments of expansiveness and a sense of what we may term as “limitless.”

Limiting Beliefs and Core Beliefs

However, as those false limitations and beliefs go away, we see real limitations.

Yet More Spiritual Nonsense

There is a fair bit of spiritual nonsense around being “limitless.”

It’s a misunderstanding.

It’s a misunderstanding often based on what I said in the previous paragraph.

Misinterpreting Spiritual Experiences

Unfortunately, this misunderstandings gets co-opted by social beliefs that tell us we can do everything.

We can’t.

We shouldn’t even think that we could.

We need to do what we need to do to support our survival and the well-being of our loved ones. Everything else we do after that is optional.

In modern culture, the human being is being used and used up. Often, we doing things that have no inherent value to us, or perhaps are just draining us, the people around us, and detracting from our goals.

This can make even a great work situation a total grind and quite frankly miserable.

Letting Go of More Beliefs

So we learn to let go of beliefs like:

“I can do everything.”

“I can be perfect all the time.”

“Mind over matter.”

Then we surrender to our bodies’ needs for rest, hydration, proper nutrition, proper movement, et al. This leads to re-prioritizing, and that often leads to setting boundaries in our work situations.

As usual, this letting go of ego path leads us to the practical.

For more, please check out this video and share it with your friends, colleagues, employees, employers, business partners, and co-workers.


I'm a spiritual teacher who helps people find freedom from suffering.

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