Lots of people get frustrated on the spiritual path because they work on an issue, and then they release it. But then wait…there’s more.

A lot of ego issues aren’t just one thing.

A lack of self-worth issue isn’t one thing; it’s probably hundreds.

A fixation on winning, a deep fear of losing your job, fears about being a good parent, and so many others will have multiple layers to see and unlearn.

However, in unlearning our egos, we can be free of these issues and find space to explore what it means to truly live our lives.

The Possibility of Freedom

It’s important to remember that letting go of complex issues is possible.

It’s also important to not leave out any form of support. A lot of people still see therapy as a kind of weakness. It isn’t. It is a form of help.

Additionally, taking care of your body physically is critical. People must be willing to humble themselves and admit that they have lots to learn about how to best take care of their bodies.

In the modern age, almost nothing we do to or for our bodies is natural. Grocery stories, odd sleeping cycles, random bouts of intense exercise, and so many other things don’t fit our natural patterns of eating, resting, moving, and more. The more we surrender to how the body naturally works, the healthier we are. The healthier we are, the easier it is to see the insanity in our minds.

And working on the body will invariably bring up ego objections.

It can feel like a big knotted mess. But you can unwind it.

Unravel your ego story.

Discover the freedom that you already are.

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I'm a spiritual teacher who helps people find freedom from suffering.

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