Being a good spiritual student is an empowered path. It empowers the teacher and the student.

This is important to emphasize.

It’s a team event.

Here are some thoughts as to how we work together.

The Truth Is Here Now

The truth is always here now. Reality is staring us in the face.

Do we have the will to stare back at it?

Most of the time, we’re staring through blindfolds at images coming out of our brains like a projector onto a screen. These blindfolds and illusions make reality invisible to us.

This is the state of spiritual students when they come to a teacher.

It is worse than that, however.

It is worse because most students are certain they are seeing life clearly. Because they have not had the experience of breaking down illusions yet, they have no idea that they’re seeing things from such a skewed place.

So trust is critical in working with a spiritual teacher.

And you can trust that the truth is already here.

Spiritual Transformation and an Evolving Relationship

Oftentimes, students think the teacher is transforming with them.


But more often than not, the student is simply seeing the teacher anew. They are often seeing many people with new eyes because the ego projector is operating less well and some blindfolds are falling off. This allows a student to evolve into a new relationship with the spiritual teacher.

Which opens up new possibilities in the relationship that before were invisible.

Simply put, this empowers both the teacher and the student, and new spaces can be explored together.


I'm a spiritual teacher who helps people find freedom from suffering.

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